Prijslijst/Pricelist 2019
Inschrijving per Team
Dit is voor de scheidsrechters en de sportzalen incl t-Shirt voor elke deelnemer(ster), dit moet worden overgeschreven voor 31 januari op volgend rekeningnummer met vermelding teamnaam BE 14 1043 6923 4183
The registration fee covers the cost for gyms, referees, table officials etc. Every team has to pay this fee. If one of the teams plan to play in two different age groups (including a tournement t-shirt). the amount must be payd at the following account BE 87 1030 5438 0894 with a notice of team name
Vanaf 3 ingeschreven Teams, krijgt de Club €10,00 korting per ingeschreven Team
Clubs, which book at least 3 chargeable tournament teams, get a discount from 10€ on the registration fee per team.
€90,00 / Team
For Lodging prices , click left on "to spend the night"